Innovative Education: An Interactive Linux Course

About the project (Short summary)

“Innovative Education” is the name of my bachelor graduation project. This project researches and prototypes a solution to the lack of interactive code labs to practice (back-end) technologies in the learning-management platform Moodle. It also tackles the topics reusability (framework) and gamification.


The concept of the project is “Linux RPG (Role-Playing Game)”. With this concept students can learn the basics of Linux through a gamified course with built-in codelabs. Another important feature is the presence of a “buddy”: a fictional character that can answer students’ questions and explain commands. This buddy can be accessed any time to help.

Design prototype

Final results

The final results of this project are a Linux RPG on the platform Moodle, a documentation for teachers to get started, 200+ pixel-art graphics to personalize the Linux RPG, an ideal design prototype and documentation outlining how to develop the ideal codelab solution.

ThesisFinal presentation (Nederlands)
